Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Gift

So I'm reading on my babycenter site the best and worst Mother's Day Gift and for me it was a BEST I think...since Josh and Syd are too young to think about that, daddy has to fill in. So since I was working in my flowers this weekend with medical gloves, he bought me garden gloves! He also got me something that the whole family will be able to enjoy! Take a look at this...

So we didn't do much this weekend, Josh was sick until Sunday, Jules worked night shift on Friday, worked outside on Saturday and we went for a short visit at Nicole and my mom's place last night! We finished the weekend by listening to the 2 hours finale of Survivor. You will never believe that I forgot to tape the Survivor Reunion on my PVR so we had to look on the internet to see who won the million dollars...and then I learned it was Parvati, I wished I had went to bed earlier because I was hoping on Amanda to win it all, I was very disappointed! So today I tried doing homeworks but Syd has been very fussy, I think his second tooth is coming out soon so he's been crying alot! I will try to go to bed early tonight but with The Hills and The Bachelor Season Finale it will be hard!!! Will see!

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