Thursday, May 29, 2008

Update on this week

So it's been a while since I kept you updated on the latest and greatest! It's been a rough week and I was really tired! Here is a recap:

Monday I went to the speech therapist with Josh went well nothing changed and Jules played hockey that night in Casselman with Peter.

Tuesday Josh went to school it was his last day, went well the teacher told me he cried a little bit when the other kids went to play outside, he was calling for mommy but I think he just wanted to go play outside! He had to stay in with the other 2 little guys, he didn't want to be separated from his girlfriend...that's my thought! Then I went to pick him up, there was a little celebration with some cake and a diploma and he was supposed to have a bus ride but we waited for an hour to learn that the lady canceled, she had an emergency!!! He was bummed! Then I went to play ball in Embrun and it was FREAZING COLD, unbelievable! I was shaking like there's no tomorrow! We won 15-5, I know we're getting good!

Wednesday we went for a walk to see grandma Savage then came back to nap, then had supper with daddy and then daddy needed to nap because he was going to work for the night! That was it, sleeped cozy with Josh while Syd was in his crib, I feel bad but he moves around like you wouldn't believe. Oh and I got to add that Josh's baseball was canceled because they didn't have enough kids so no baseball this year! Poor Josh he only has 5 kids in his class and now baseball they don't have enough kids to play! What was everybody doing in 2004, obviously not making babies that's 4 sure!

Today I went to the hairdresser while my dad was babysitting and this afternoon we all had a nap because I was supposed to start my placement tonight, then again when does everything go smooth with me. Turns out there's been a misunderstanding and more papers need to be signed before I can start so I will try to go figure everything out tomorrow so I can get this placement done and over with A.S.A.P.

So now that everybody is snooring, I am not really tired because I slept all afternoon! Maybe I could go scare my crazy cousin, who came with her girlfriends knocking at my window with a silly costum and was dancing in my front lawn!!!

Josh on his last day of school eating chocolate cake with his nice white Ecole St-Albert shirt and his little girlfriend at the back!!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

Driving everywhere!

Today we were ready to go at 9h00am sharp, we had a list of stuff to do and wanted all done today! We left to go to Jean Coutu in Embrun to pick up some baby food, cereals, diaper genie refills and Sebas meds! Then we headed to the west end (Merivale) to exchange my nursing pants because they were too small, I got in and scared the shit out of the owner, he was vaccuuming upstairs it was really funny! Then we dropped off Sebas meds, we had to leave it at the door cause the door was locked, boy did Josh cry, he couldn't see his uncle and it was the END OF THE WORLD let me tell you!

We went to pick up Roch's birthday gift in Orleans, a work bench for his garage, we almost had to leave the kids in Orleans because it would fit in the van, don't worry we kept the kids and the work bench did fit!!! We went to eat at Subway and went to a park right beside a highschool in Orleans, gorgeous place, my mother-in-law had told me about it and it's a must see! It was on the news not too long ago, it was made accessible for wheelchairs and for handicap kids, it's beautiful, you really have to try it, we will be going back for sure! Then we headed to Long Sault to give Roch's gift, the kids fell asleep on the way there so we got to see the new additions to Roch's new house, very nice!

At around 5h00pm we got back home to have a nice bbq and then Josh saw his new "toy"...Noah's bubble bounce, it's a big inflatable Fire Truck!!! It was really exciting, he loves to jump, I think he bounced in it by himself for one hour straight!!! Then we went for a walk, Josh saw "his sister" Mikela #2and played with her in her playhouse while Coralie a younger little girl was kissing Sydney and then we got back home and they were pooped! I forgot my camera so I have no pics for you today, maybe tomorrow! Have a good night!

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Go Diego Go!

Today we left the house at noon and went to the Scotiabank Place to see Go Diego Go to the rescue live show! I had seen their advertisement on the Scotiabank website and told myself if it's still cold and rainy on Thursday...let's hit the road! So yesterday I got my tickets online, printed them out and today I was heading in the west end for the show! Frankly I was a bit nervous, Syd has been cranky, teething and all and I knew I couldn't bring my stroller in so I took a chance and brought Syd in my sling, 23 pounds hanging on me!!!

We got there put him on, hanged on to Josh's hand and here we go, there was this big black cloud coming threw, I was a bit scared of being showered but it waited till we got in. We found our seats perfectly, Josh saw his girlfriend from school which he calls is sister ?!? and Mikela 2 cause they are 2 in his class! So the show started with this girl talking on this big stage and boom... Diego pooped up, this little spanish guy with shorts and a backpack ??? I thought it was going to be this big character just like we see him on tv, not this skinny little guy with a backpack! I kind of had to tell Josh that was Diego plus Dora came on set for a big 10 minutes and again this girl with a pink top and orange shorts, and Josh was so happy to see her but left after 10 minutes!

So overall it was a cute show, they had the kids dancing and roaring with their jaguar masks but I was expecting a little more for 40 bucks each! We were sitting in the 100 level but because it was real people acting and not a big character it was a bit far I think for Josh and Syd! Syd enjoyed the show also, he was clapping and dancing but the last 20 minutes was getting restless! It all turned out well for being alone with the 2 kids, Josh was well behave and helped me lots! We got outside after the show and it started pouring like I had never seen it before, we were soaked by the time we got in the van! After we met with Jules at St-Hubert for supper, ate like pigs and now were all very tired! So let's try to stay up to watch Grey's Season Finale tonight or else I'll have to watch it tomorrow!


Monday, May 19, 2008

Cheo Visit

So yesterday Sydney was not feeling too good, his second tooth came out and he had been congested since friday night. He didn't eat much for lunch and did not eat at all for supper and after supper he started to be restless and was breathing really fast and was short of breath. So at 8h30pm I decided to go to Cheo with him, we got there at 9h00pm waited 10 minutes to give his name then another 10 minutes to get called in to do his vitals and they took him in right away. It was obvious he had a hard time breathing so they gave him an epinephrine mask....then again at 11h30pm, then oral prednisone and 2 puffs of Ventolin at 1h00am, 4 puffs of Ventolin at 2h00am, then was on oxygen for a while at 3h00am, then got 3 back to back Ventolin masks at 4h00am and then it was 5h00am, he looked better, was high on all those meds and I was POOPED! 6h00am came and he got discharged on some oral prednisone and puffers, all this because they think he's got asthma + bronchitis + rsv.... in other words a bad cold! So I guess you figured out that I missed my first day of placement at Cheo on the Medicine Ward, I went straight to bed! I did work, on the Emergency ward, I was there from 9 to 6, and I really want to count it as a shift!

Here is a look at my pumpkin when he was feeling good...

Saturday, May 17, 2008

Canadian Children's Museum

Today we left early and head to the Canadian Children's Museum at the Museum of Civilization. Jules had worked night shift and I didn't want him to be disturbed by me or the kids so we went to the museum. It was awesome, I didn't know there was a place for children and it was amazing. Josh really liked it! We then went to the Imax to watch Sea Monsters and it was very interesting, a little scary but very nice to see! The kids were not scared, thank god! We had a very nice day besides the rain! So here is a look at today's pictures...

Friday, May 16, 2008

One match

Tonight I was on Facebook navigating through all the newsfeeds when I saw a new group...Hope and Prayers for Rory Fitzpatrick. The story really touched me, this little boy was diagnosed with Leukemia on Mother's Day. Being a mother of two it really broke my heart. I read all the updates and they were saying that if they find a match for bone marrow/stem cell transplant it could probably save his life. They did put the site One Match which is with the Canadian Blood Services to help and I joined it, I am now a potential donor!!! I did keep Sydney stem cell when he was born, you never know what can happen any day! So I decided to give my name so if I can be a match to anyone I could save a life!

Thursday, May 15, 2008

RCMP Musical Ride

Tonight we went to see the RCMP Musical Ride! They were starting their tour right here in St-Albert. They were all parked on my street, Josh was able to see them before, during and after the show! He loved it, he really likes horses and tonight was the best, they were everywhere and he got to see them up close and to touch them. They had a K-9 show at the beginning and then had the horse show. We were able to take 2 pictures only because my batteries died, so Jules wasn't too happy but I'm pretty satisfied with the ones he took! The show was very nice, it was a bit cold but I think everybody enjoyed it!

Tuesday, May 13, 2008


So tonight my baseball season officially started in Embrun! I played 2 years ago with Sara Lou, she played last year and I was PREGO and this year she is PREGO! I was a little bit nervous as I knew no one on my team. I did stalk my team leader on Facebook to see what she look like so I had an idea who to look for! Turns out I new one of them and learned that another one will start working on my floor next week so I'm glad we got to meet and we will be able to get to know each other outside of work! I was debating if I really wanted to play, with my baby at home I really didn't want him to be in Mommy withdrawal. Turns out he took the bottle for daddy and is sleeping comfortably in his crib. It is a good opportunity for me to meet new people, exercise and to get out of the house. With Sara not being there though I have no one to laugh at other people or to complain! LOL ! Maybe it's a good thing! We lost 21-6 against my old team but I wasn't going to win but to have fun! If anyone is interested of playing they are looking for players, every Tuesday either at 8pm or at 9:15pm and we're only playing to have fun! When I came back at around 9:45pm Josh heard me get in and came to meet me ... "maman revenu de la balle" with a big smile! You gotta LOVE those kids!

Monday, May 12, 2008

Mother's Day Gift

So I'm reading on my babycenter site the best and worst Mother's Day Gift and for me it was a BEST I think...since Josh and Syd are too young to think about that, daddy has to fill in. So since I was working in my flowers this weekend with medical gloves, he bought me garden gloves! He also got me something that the whole family will be able to enjoy! Take a look at this...

So we didn't do much this weekend, Josh was sick until Sunday, Jules worked night shift on Friday, worked outside on Saturday and we went for a short visit at Nicole and my mom's place last night! We finished the weekend by listening to the 2 hours finale of Survivor. You will never believe that I forgot to tape the Survivor Reunion on my PVR so we had to look on the internet to see who won the million dollars...and then I learned it was Parvati, I wished I had went to bed earlier because I was hoping on Amanda to win it all, I was very disappointed! So today I tried doing homeworks but Syd has been very fussy, I think his second tooth is coming out soon so he's been crying alot! I will try to go to bed early tonight but with The Hills and The Bachelor Season Finale it will be hard!!! Will see!

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Shitty Day

So I got woken up at 2:00am last night from a puking Josh in his bed! GREAT! He wanted to come in our bed, it was ok with me cause I wanted to check on him. It went on and on all night vomiting/diarrhea and all day. Has you probably figured out I had to cancel my 9:30 appointment with the ear doctor, I was pissed! I took care of my precious Josh all day, learned tonight that the flu is going around at school. Nice! First time at school and comes back with the flu, can't wait that he brings back all kinds of bugs and gives them to Syd in September. On top of that me and Jules had done a big clean up last night, vaccuum, washed the floors, washed the bathtub, cleaned all the bedding, smelled fresh until this morning, you would of though there was a farmer spreading manure around my room, litteraly! After supper Josh was feeling a little bit better so I took the kids for a stroll, took some fresh air and the day ended up being not so bad, we found Sydney's croc we had losts 2 days ago, I was quite happy!

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

No Frills that's for sure!

Today we slept in a little bit! I decided to go play at a park I saw when I was walking with Julie 2 months ago, obviously there was still snow back then so he couldn't go. So he had fun, made 2 new friends Emma & Thomas AKA Tomato for Josh! LOL! Then we went to No Frills to get diapers and while were there a couple more stuff! I absolutely HATE that store! First I couldn't find a stupid quarter to get a cart, had to check under Josh's seat cause he always carry change in his pockets so I thought he might of drop one! With my good mother's instinct I found an American quarter that worked but then the cart wouldn't unlock and I had Syd in one arm all sleepy and Josh wanted to see the candies, it was a mess, plus I think that place is not clean enough, I might be a clean freak but I HATE that place! My dad and Jules asked me why do you keep going ??? Well believe it or not it's the ONLY place in Casselman where they sell the diapers I like Pampers Cruisers in a box, thanks to Julie who told me that not that long ago! So that's why everytime I need diapers I stop at the No Frills! Came back home, kids had a long snooze this afternoon and spend a boring night as it's raining outside, so I watch America's Next Top Model with Syd sleeping on me! Going to see Josh's ear doctor tomorrow morning, I'll tell you all about it!

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Josh's first day at school

So today was Josh's first school preparation day! It was a big day, first he didn't have a good night of sleep, I'm pretty sure he's got an ear infection and was crying all night! I had to wake him up at 9:00 so he makes it in time for 9:30. Daddy had left him a note with a lucky penny and grandpa and grandma had left him a note also to enjoy his day with his new friends and the new "cocotte"! Showed him what I had put in his lunch and he said "Thank you Mom!" We got there and he was pretty excited, saw his new little buddies, was asking there names was showing off his Car's Bag and lunch box, I said goodbye and I have to admit I had a couple of tears in my eyes!!! He did a big tour of the school, counted and sang the alphabet for the Principal and was proud to say that he was JOSHUA BENOIT! Call me a stalker or not I went for a walk with Syd and saw him play outside, he seemed to have fun with his little friends, but he saw his grandpa and uncle outside so he ran to jump the fence to go see them...doesn't take him much to distract him! The educator told me he cried at noon cause he wanted to see me! : ( It brakes my heart cause I was missing him too! At 1:30 I went to pick him up and Josh had a little accident in the washroom and the educator was changing his pants and undees...NICE! She told me everything went well, she had no problem understanding him when he was talking so I was reasured, she said he told one of his classmate with a Habs hat : "Sont pourris les Canadiens!" Good way to make friends let me tell you! She told me she had a good group and that they were ready to start school! I was happy to hear that because I don't really feel like he's ready yet but maybe by September he'll be fully prepared to start!

Here's a preview of Josh this morning!

Monday, May 5, 2008

Which ear should I aim for ???

So today we were very busy! We started our day to go pick up Josh's Learning Package in Casselman, once a month they prepare a School Preparation Kit to teach and learn new things and it's free so we went to get a new kit! We then went to Ontario Early Years to get Sydney weight, so at 10 months today, he is 22 pounds and 28 and 3/4 inch long! There was lots of people today, lots of ladies I knew from school with their little babies! FUN FUN FUN! Then we went grocery shopping, had lunch took a break and then head to Cheo for Josh's hearing examination!!! Turns out his right ear as fluid in it, doesn't hear properly and the left ear is fine! Correct me if I'm wrong but when I went in March they told me he wasn't hearing properly in his left and his right was fine! Wow! So which ear should I aim for when I'm talking to him, who knows? So Thursday I'm going to see his ORL (ear doctor) and let me tell you the SHIT AS HIT THE FAN! Something better be done, I am not taking no for an answer! I will keep you posted!

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Sydney's First Tooth

So it's official my baby boy had his first tooth out today! We went for supper at Sara & PC on Friday and he had a little fever, was a little restless on Saturday and BOOM today a tooth came out! We had been waiting for a month now and today was the big day! 10 months and 1 tooth! So this weekend was uneventful! Not like everybody else around me, Vegas, MTL, Phoenix, etc. I stayed home, accomplished nothing, watched a Nip/Tuck marathon last night after the disappointing hockey game and went to bed. Today everybody slept in the afternoon and then went for supper at my mother-in-law and that wraps up my weekend...hope yours was exciting ! Here is my little pumpkin in his tricolour pyjamas and his mohawk ready for the HABS game rubbing his new tooth with his tongue!

Friday, May 2, 2008

Family Day

So today I told myself I was going to do something for the kids, so we got ready and went to the Experimental Farm. It was pretty fun, it was Josh's third or fourth time but everytime is lots of fun! Here are some pics from our COLD day!

Thursday, May 1, 2008

What's wrong with me?

So I haven't post anything yesterday and even today I was debating, I've been wondering what is going on with me all week! Nothing is going well, the kids are driving me nuts, Josh is a spoiled brat! Unreal! I've been extremely tired, I have no patience, I flip out from one moment to the other, I'm hungry, sore back, sore stomach, I can't think, it takes me a long time to fall asleep!!!! I could go on all night about my symptoms! I totally just realize what my problem is ... P M S !!! I don't know why it took me that long to figure it out, but now that I know it totally makes sense! Hopefully it will be gone for the weekend cause let me tell you Jules has been very patient but he might just get inpatient this weekend... who knows??? So now that I've realised what my disease is I'll go take a shower, watch Grey's Anatomy and go have a nice sleep so by tomorrow I'll be top shape, have a nice day with the kids and go for supper at Peter & Sara!